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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Don't ask, don't tell...

If there is one thing I've come to realize through this IF journey, it's that you can never tell how a pregnancy announcement will affect it's recipient.

As the recipient a hundred-some times over now I'm sure, I never even know how I'm going to react. I'm pretty much always happy for the people, but in the back there are always niggly feelings of varying degrees.

I think there should be some sort of a 'Don't ask, don't tell' policy with regards to pg announcements.  you just never know how it's going to affect people, what their story is, etc. A friend was approached by a coworker this week, and told that the coworker was expecting her 2nd... both couples started TTC at hte same time way back when. Friend is still struggling to conceive #1, and here they are on #2.. It's so effing unfair, and while I'm sure friend was happy for her coworker, frig, have a bit of caution... gah.

I know DADT will never happen with respect to pg announcements, but in theory, i think it's effing brilliant. just takes the ugh out of things, y'know?


  1. It is so effffing unfair!
    Our turns will come too, Chelle. Our turns will come too. **hugs**

  2. How would DADT work here? I'm not totally following. . .
