Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


still waiting.

Does my body not KNOW that we're waiting on it to get the ball rolling? Or is that why I"m still waiting for DGT? Gah. Stupid body. FTR, this is CD40, and I took 5 days of provera starting two weeks ago tomorrow. DGT *should* show up any day, as according to the nurse it can take up to 2 weeks to work. Tick tock, let's get goin here, eh?


  1. **hugs** I hope AF shows up soon.

  2. She's a fickle biatch that damn AF. Grrr. Come on already...Chelle's waited long enough!!!

  3. Hope it's soon! I send virtual white pants across the vast internets. :)
